Clean Food graduates in demand for Rurapp Projects

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Thanks to organizations such as Incredible Edible; new organic towns are sprouting up with authentic clean food in growing abundance making trade opportunities exciting. Rurapp Inc is interested in talking to graduates of the Incredible Edible courses. RurApp is designed to act as a service provider to represent both buyers and farmers with the key tools, information and management to be succesfull farm business. Graduates who have completed courses on grafting, permaculture, bee-keeping, edible fungi, herbal medicine and more can be linked to live Rurapp Project opportunities.

General value chain _Smallholders report

The above image shows typical business process for value chain from small holders to retailers.

The Incredible Edible movement is growing exponentially with over 200 groups worldwide with start-ups all over the world, including the USA and Japan, Australia and India, New Zealand and Europe. British gardening expert Diarmuid Gavin has described the influence of Incredible Edible on a town called Todmordenof 15,000 where  Residents have embraced a vegegtable tourism project with gusto  Food is a basic human need, but fresh, healthy organic food is a basic human right. In the town of Todmordenof, the Incredible Edible logo attracted new consumers boosting the local economy with sales of local produce (cheese, eggs, beer, meat) soaring. Consumers have were also inspired to start growing their own vegetables and keeping chickens

Vege-Tourism: “People come from all over the world to poke around. There are fruit trees, bushes, herbs and veggies everywhere: outside the police station and the retirement home, on the towpaths of Todmorden´s canal, and even in the cemetery, and many private gardens and porches have been transformed into blooming oases of delicious fresh produce since the scheme launched in spring 2008.

Rurapp Inc is a specialist in matching organic, chemical free, authentic whole food farmers interested in selling to appreciative buyer communities. Ruapp projects support and promote farmers and other local food producers to an extensive network of global  project buyers. At RurApp we are excited about technology and proud of the solutions that have been developed. Rurapp is designed to assist farmers and value chains anywhere in the world. The most isolated farmers in the world can now be linked to new trade opportunities with the rest of the world. This is especially important considering the amount of new food required to be produced to meet the growing world population and requirements. True traceability from seed to fork.

Graduates from the Incredible Edible are encouraged to learn more about Rurapp Projects and recommend new trade ideas for their town’s.


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